
Culloden   Culloden   Culloden   Culloden

Background: This was the first of my two films made for the BBC. Late in 1962 I was engaged as an assistant producer for its newly established Channel 2, and some eighteen months later, after I had worked as an assistant to the producer Stephen Hearst on several of his documentaries, Huw Wheldon, then Head of the Documentary Film Department, gave me the opportunity and a small budget to produce a film on the Battle of Culloden. The idea for this project had its genesis with friends from ‘Playcraft’ suggesting that I read the excellent study by John Prebble, entitled Culloden - which was to become the main foundation for my film.

The Battle of Culloden, which took place on April 16, 1746, was the last battle fought on British soil. Some months earlier Prince Charles Edward Stuart (‘Bonne Prince Charlie’), son of James Edward, the Catholic Pretender to the British throne, had landed in Scotland, raised a ragged but tough-spirited Jacobite army from amongst the Gaelic-speaking Highland clans, and marched as far south as Derby before having to retreat back to the Highlands. He was pursued into Scotland by a powerful force of 9,000 redcoats under the command of William Augustus, the Duke of Cumberland, strengthened by Protestant Scot Lowlanders and several Highland clans loyal to King George II. Outside Inverness, on the bleak, rain-swept Culloden Moor, nearly 1,000 of Charlie’s army, made up of 5,000 weak and starving Highlanders, were slaughtered by the Royal Army, who lost 50 men. The Highlanders finally broke and fled. Approximately 1,000 more of them were killed in subsequent weeks of hounding by British troops, during what became known as the “rape” of the Highlands, and which led to the destruction of the Gaelic clan culture and to the deportations, known as the ‘Highland Clearances’, during the following century.

Motivation: This was the 1960s, and the US army was ‘pacifying’ the Vietnam highlands. I wanted to draw a parallel between these events and what had happened in our own UK Highlands two centuries earlier, including because our knowledge of what took place after ‘Culloden’ was basically limited to an exotic image of ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ on the label of a Drambuie whiskey bottle. Secondly, I wanted to break through the conventional use of professional actors in historical melodramas, with the comfortable avoidance of reality that these provide, and to use amateurs - ordinary people - in a reconstruction of their own history. Many of the people portraying the Highland army in our film were direct descendants of those who had been killed on the Culloden Moor.

Filming: ‘Culloden’ was filmed in August 1964, near Inverness, with an all-amateur cast from London and the Scottish Lowlands playing the royalist forces, and people from Inverness in the clan army. With photographer Dick Bush, recordists John Gatland and Hou Hanks, make-up artist Ann Brodie, battle co-ordinator Derek Ware, film editor Michael Bradsell, and with the help of friends and actors from ‘Playcraft’ in Canterbury, we made and edited our film as though it was happening in front of news cameras, and deliberately reminiscent of scenes from Vietnam which were appearing on TV at that time.

Reaction: ‘Culloden’ was first screened by the BBC on December 15, 1964, and - with the possible exception of ‘Edvard Munch’ - remains the only film I have produced which has been broadly accepted in the UK. Its use of amateurs, mobile camera, “you-are-there” style, were seen as a breakthrough for TV documentary, paralleling advances being made at the BBC by Ken Loach, and by Ken Russell and other filmmakers.

‘... an artistic triumph for its maker’ (The Scotsman)

‘One of the bravest documentaries I can remember’ (The Sun)

‘An unforgettable experiment ... new and adventurous in technique’ (The Guardian)

‘... a breakthrough ...’ (The Observer)

‘Almost compulsively viewable’ (The Times)

‘... it worked brilliantly ...’ (Daily Mail)

‘... a sadistic and revolting programme’ (Birmingham Evening Mail)

‘The result was so unexpectedly convincing it gave me quite a shock. I have no hesitation in raving about it, even to the extent of muttering: breakthrough.’ (Observer Weekend Review)


Availability                                            top


United Kingdom

Culloden (1964) and The War Game (1965), were both produced for the BBC, who still retain the rights. Until fairly recently, it has been difficult to obtain these films for theatrical screenings. This was - and partly remains - related to restrictions by the British Actors' union, Equity on the use of amateur actors, which has always caused difficulties for the release of my former TV work in the U.K.

This situation is beginning to become a little more flexible, and several executives within the BBC are now more agreeable to allowing the films to be screened theatrically under certain circumstances, especially in non-commercial screenings.

To discuss a theatrical screening license for 'Culloden' or 'The War Game' please contact:

Zoe Lawrence
Commercial Manager,
Drama, Entertainment, Room D127,
BBC, Centre House,
London W12 7SB

Tel: 44 (0)20 8576 1879,
Fax: 44 (0)20 8576 8308,
Mobile: 44 (0)7764 603609

BBC, Carolina Fernandez

I believe there are 16mm and 35mm copies of both films available, although the BBC would have to verify that. Further, there should still be copies of both films available in the archives of the British Film Institute (who until recently held the non-theatrical rights to both films). For the BFI, please contact:

Fleur Buckley,
Archival Bookings,
British Film Institute

Tel: +44 (020) 7957 4709
Fax: +44 (020) 7580 5830

As for the DVD and non-theatrical release of these two films in the U.K., this is no longer handled by the British Film Institute, and the BFI releases of these films are out of print.



'Culloden' and 'The War Game' (La Bombe') are available on DVD and non-theatrical release from Doriane Films in Paris. These versions are in the original English with French subtitles.
Please Contact:

Cécile Farkas,
Doriane Films,
1, rue du Sergent Bauchat,
75012, Paris

Tel: (+33) 1 44 74 77 11
Fax: (+33) 1 44 74 64 93


Rest of Europe

For rights clearance and general queries regarding theatrical public screenings of 'Culloden' and 'The War Game' in the rest of Europe, contact either the BBC executives named earlier, or contact:

Molly Hope,
BBC WorldWide,
Room E148, Woodlands, 80 Wood Lane
London W12 OTT,

Tel: +44 (0)20 8433 2330
Fax: +44 (0)20 8433 3607


North America

Oliver Groom (Project X Distribution) has acquired the DVD and non-theatrical rights from the BBC to 'Culloden' and 'The War Game' for Canada and the USA. This new DVD distribution of these films is being carried out in partnership with New Yorker Films and the release date for the United States is set for July 25, 2006.

Oliver Groom,
Project X Distribution Limited,
223 Humberside Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario  M6P 1K9

Tel: (416) 604-2506

For non-theatrical public screenings in North America (no admission charged and for closed groups such as college campuses, art association memberships), please contact Oliver Groom.

For commercial screenings, please contact BBC Worldwide in Toronto or New York:

BBC Worldwide
747 Third Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10017

BBC Worldwide
130 Spadina Avenue, Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L4



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