Peter Watkins

This Canada-based Web site, in two parts, contains the text of Peter Watkins' latest critical media statement, along with detailed information regarding each of PW's films and their current availability.

PART 1 contains the media statement (a total of 115 pages), with a Prologue, 7 Chapters, and Appendices with additional information and examples. In addition, there is a 5 page critical analysis of newsbroadcasting on CNN by Canadian filmmaker Geoff Bowie.

Please note that the full text of Watkins' media statement has now been published as a French language book entitled THE MEDIA CRISIS, by Les Editions HOMNISPHERES in France, and is also available on

PART 2 contains a detailed description of each of Watkins' films, with extracts from reviews of the films, and information on their current availability.


© Peter Watkins 2006